Local efforts are underway to right York County's historical wrongs by cleaning up Codorus Creek, transforming it from 'Inky Stinky' into an accessible, healthy, and beautiful greenway.
Landmarks from York's Latino history, all one on place: A mural depicts the Latino story in a block named for pioneers Edwin and Delma Rivera. Behind the mural, the second standalone Spanish American Center stands, now a bilingual church. In the background, the two-story white building served as the center for the Latino community in 2008 and for about a decade afterward. All these landmarks stand in and around the South Queen Street neighborhoods where early Latinos settled in York.
York's Continental Square, long a hub and gathering space, is getting a makeover.
When Camp Security needed to raise funds several years ago, leaders turned to renowned author Rita Mae Brown to return to York County, where she spent her early years.
Historian Jamie Noerpel & Archivist Domi Miller were part of the York County History Storytellers evening, speaking on the Quaker meeting house and those of the Quaker faith in York.
Longtime York County families might have ancestors who enslaved Black people. Some of those families who held people in bondage are buried in Bupp's Church Cemetery in Springfield Township, as is the case in scores of cemeteries in the county. Generally, those who were enslaved and their descendants were buried in all-Black cemeteries spread throughout the county.
It only took one remark to break the long-held tension between York County police and the Black community, and it was one based in humility.
In a season of dry weather, this land bridge - likely and old road - emerges from the depths of Lake Marburg at Codorus State Park in southwestern York County.
The old Keystone Color Works combines the ideas of creatives - a past maker of dyes for wallpaper - and recreationists - the rail trail is next door - that are helping to fuel York County's economy.
One of many cultural or historical restoration projects or new builds going up around York County: When the King Family of King's Mill fame built this house, it was known as the Mansion House. Later, it became Schmidt & Ault's mill offices. Today, it's part of York College's Knowledge Park and it's known as the Diehl House at Schmidt & Ault.