When the Myers family moved to Levittown in 1957, they faced hostility in this all-white community. Later, the Myerses were welcomed in York.
Calling attention to YoCo's water pollution through research and activism.
Public education in York County mostly took place in more than 350 one-room schools between the 1834 and post-World War II.
Creating bronze sculptures for public works used to be a space for mostly men. Now, women like Lorann Jacobs have entered the industry, and they're making bold statements with their art.
In the past 10 years, three Stewartstown-area structures,faced uncertain futures. One was saved. The other two were demolished. But the stories of all three teach lessons.
The legend of Johnny Appleseed oversimplifies the complexities of apple cultivation. One Adams County family explains all that goes into growing that delicious red fruit.
Between 1879 and 1918, thousands of Native American children were forced to abandon their cultural practices. Now, Indian Steps Museum will honor these traditions at their annual Pow Wow festival.
Glenalvin Goodridge began the family photography business in 1847 and his brothers, William O. and Wallace, followed. The Goodridge brothers operated the business for 75 years, for most of that time in East Saginaw, Mich.
Since its beginning, York County has served as a crossroads. Settlers would pass through here to go to all points of the compass. Centre Square, later Continental Square, illustrated here, was the epicenter of pioneers seeking their fortune. Yet, other intersections have been the scenes of activity, We're exploring those here.
Historian Jamie Kinsley and archivist Domi Miller explore York County people, places and issues in this new video series: 'Hometown History.'
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